"LEARN How To DJ, Fill Up Your Calendar, and Become One Of The Most Sought After DJ's In The Business..."

Even If You Have No Experience, No Connections And No Personal Brand...

How A Struggling Radio Intern Worked His Way Up To Winning A Grammy And Becoming One Of The Most Sought After DJs In The World

I want to share a little story with you. It starts with a theme that has been a focal point in my entire career as a DJ so far.

It’s the reason that I have been blessed to have traveled to and performed in over 70 countries worldwide and over 38 states in the US.

It’s the reason that I was able to make a name for myself as the official touring DJ of Chris Brown for over 10 years, and able to make appearances with Kardarshians/Jenners to spin many of their parties.

It’s the reason that I was able to produce and collaborate with some of the most iconic artists of our time like  Diplo, Skrillex, Kelly Rowland, Mary Mary, and Lil Wayne.

In fact, it’s the exact same reason that I was blessed to have been awarded a Grammy as a DJ.
Before all this, I used to just be an intern at a radio station. And just like most interns I wasn’t making ANY money.  But back then, that’s how the radio industry worked.

It was extremely hard to get on payroll at a radio station.  I could have easily been discouraged just plenty of others who have interned at radio stations, but I was DETERMINED to show myself as valuable.

So what did I do? Literally everything.  I learned the ins and outs of how to run a radio station and worked EVERY position in the business.

And even after all that… I STILL wasn’t able to get on payroll yet. Terrible right? Here I was… Able to work EVERY position in the radio station…Working harder than everyone else for FREE…And, still not able to make it on payroll.
Again…I could have easily been discouraged. 

But what did I do? 

You see…I knew my value and what I brought to the table for that station. 

Instead of arguing my value, I decided to make them SEE my value.

So, I stopped showing up to work.  And after just a few days of absolute mayhem and chaos at the station without me there…

I was called in and given a paid position at the station.  That’s how my career started!

I started with an entry-level position and worked my way up to a full time DJ for the station.   I even launched “The BabeyDrew College Tour”, where I toured colleges all over the country.

And now, I sit as the resident DJ at Power 96.1 in Atlanta, GA, and I just celebrated 20 years being on the radio. 

Fast forward to today and, my name is seen on billboards across the world!.

This Simple Yet Highly Profitable DJ Branding And Marketing System

Separate Yourself From Other DJs

Book More Shows

Become A Tour DJ

Get More Connections In The Entertainment Industry

Quit Your 9-5 Job And Be A Full-Time DJ

Take Your DJ Business To The Next Level

Here Are Just A Few Celebrities I've Worked With...

But... This System Doesn't Work For Everyone. It's Best For DJs Who Are Looking To TAKE THEIR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL...

  • Total Newbies: New DJs who don't have much experience, don't have many connections and no big personal brand, who want to learn how to DJ, produce their own music, and book their first show.
  • Part-Time: DJs DJs who are already getting shows consistently and building a name for themselves but looking to get more connections in the entertainment industry and take it to the next level.
  • Experienced DJs: Even DJs who are already well known, but looking for more advanced strategies to MONETIZE their personal brand online and offline.


A web-based training and mentoring program from one of the most sought after DJ's in the world...

 Learn how to explode your DJ Business in as little as 30 days... 

Getting Started And The Basics
Discover The Initial Steps To DJ'ing and The Business Behind It...

The methods taught in the Millionaire DJ Academy program have been battle tested and proven because they come directly from my 20+ years of experience as radio host, tour DJ and producer.

  • Where To Start
  • ​Business Basics
  • ​Image
  • ​​Mixing Basics
  • ​Beat Juggling Basics
  • ​​Scratching

Marketing & Branding
The Step-By-Step Guide To Getting More Gigs And Shows Locally

The program is a entire breakdown of my easy step by step plan to building your local network so that you attract gigs effortlessly instead of begging promoters for them.

  • Marketing 101
  • ​Mastering Social Media
  • ​The Art Of The Club
  • ​The Art Of The Festival
  • ​The Wedding DJ
  • ​The Mobile DJ
  • ​Being The Top DJ On Your College Campus

The How-To's 
The Basic "How-To" Of Being A Top DJ

This is not your typical buy it and put it on the shelf "course". We provide you with everything you need to be successful.

  • The Art Of The Opening DJ
  • ​The Headlining DJ
  • ​Where To Find Music And How To Organize It
  • ​​How To Differentiate Yourself From Other DJs
  • ​Make Regular Club Appearances And Start Gaining Traction As A DJ
  • Capitalize On Your Own Momentum To Move Up Into Bigger Venues 


Bonus #1: The Female DJ ($997 Value)

Just because you're a girl, doesn't mean you can't be a DJ. I know plenty of girls who are KILLING it on the scene, and I'll show you exactly how they create the vibes for their tribes.

Bonus #2: The Psychology Of Crowd Reaction ($997 Value)

The worst DJ is the one who plays music that nobody likes. I'll teach you how to perform and control a crowd, so that you create an unforgettable experience for everyone who attends your events.

Bonus #3: Monetization Strategies For Your Personal Brand ($1997 Value)

Get mentorship and peel back the curtains with DJ Babey Drew to learn everything on marketing yourself as a DJ, personal brand, connector, and the step-by-step process to growing your brand in your local city and beyond.

In addition, I'll show you exactly how you can create multiple income streams from the work you'll be doing as a DJ, entertainer, and producer once you finish this course.


You wake up.

And instead of going to your job...

You're getting ready for a show in your favorite city to play in front of a HUGE crowd.

Imagine hanging out with Snoop Dogg, Calvin Harris,  Chris Brown, and other big name celebrities.

Just imagine how after you start touring and getting a name for yourself, you go back home, and everyone asks you, "What's the secret to your success?"

You answer back with a big smile on your face.

"I made a decision. I took a leap of faith. And instead of talking myself OUT of the possibilities, I choose to talk myself INTO them. 

"I got help from this guy Andrew Bisnaught aka DJ Babeydrew."

The people who doubted you will have to deal with the fact that YOU finally did it.

You areFINALLY feeling at ease about where your DJ business is going and things are really starting to take off. 

Then you think to yourself...

After everything it took to get to this point, this actually has turned out to be one of the best things to ever happen to me.

It could have been SOOO much different if I didn't get the help from someone who had been through it all before me.
Everyday Price $1,997

$497 (Save $1500 Today Only)

No Worries OR Risk... The Product Comes With A
100% 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee - Pay for this course with one gig! 

I want you to be successful with this, so here’s what I’ve arranged.  

Get access to the course, go through the training, but more importantly apply what you learn in there. And if you do not book a paid gig within the first 30 days, I will personally work with you until you DO get booked.

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re serious about succeeding with your DJ business, so with that in mind...

I stamp my seal of approval on this guarantee, so I'll see you inside boss. 👊🏻



OPTION 1: DO NOTHING AND GO BACKWARDS... Stay where you are right now and learn from your own mistakes.

OPTION 2: DO NOTHING AND IF YOU ARE LUCKY, STAY THE SAME..  Not knowing if things will ever change..

OPTION 3: MAKE THE CHANGE TODAY, AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE... Get mentoring from one of the most sought after DJs in the world and get everything you need to take your brand to the next level.


I Don't Have Any Connections Or A Big Personal Brand, Can I Still Do This?
Yes, this works for newbie DJs, part time DJs, even world renowned DJs.  Learn branding, marketing and networking secrets to help take your DJ business to the next level.

This business is all about branding yourself. You will learn everything step-by-step in this web-based training program, and will be able to put success into your own hands while being mentored by one of the most sought after DJ's in the world.
How Much Time Do I Need To Put Into This Every Week?
You can be successful with this just putting in 3-5 hours of work per week working on the course.
What Kind Of Results Can I Expect To Get?
The goal of this academy is to teach you the marketing, branding and networking secrets that I have learned over the years in my DJ career.  I will help you book your first show and teach you everything I've done differently than other DJs that have allowed me to get connected with some of the biggest celebrities in the world, win a Grammy, and travel the world playing music and doing shows.
Is The Millionaire DJ Academy Worth It?
Ask yourself this.. What is the cost of staying where you are at now? What if this course could be the one thing you needed to take you from where you are now to becoming a tour DJ, getting life changing business connections, and being able to quit your job and do this full time? Or What If It Just Helped You Book Your First Paid Show? Would it be worth it to you?

Millionaire DJ Academy is a proven and tested mentorship program that teaches you how to make your competition irrelevant and never having to worry about making sales.
Do You Have Any Guarantees?
We guarantee you will book 1 gig within your first 30 days or I'll personally work with you until you get booked.
How Do I Get Instant Access To The Course After Purchasing?
You will get instant access with the login credentials sent to the email you signed up with.


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